MongoDB states the operations that can be performed in a list.
Operation | Category | Reference | Description |
AND_HASH | Combinator | Link | It performs a hash-based intersection of two or more sets of documents. |
AND_SORTED | Combinator | Link | It performs an intersection of two or more sets of documents in order. |
BATCHED_DELETE | Consumer | Link | Delete documents in batches. |
CACHED_PLAN | Executor | Link | It evaluates the cost of a cached plan |
COLLSCAN | Producer | Link | It scans over a collection. |
COLUMN_IXSCAN | Producer | Link | An index scan operation that returns only the indexed field values for a given collection. |
COUNT | Folder | Link | “COUNT” refers to the stage in the query execution plan that performs a count operation. The count operation counts the number of documents in a collection that match a specified filter. |
COUNT_SCAN | Producer | Link | Used by the count command. Scans an index from a start key to an end key. |
DELETE | Consumer | Link | Delete a document. |
DISTINCT_SCAN | Producer | Link | Used by the distinct command. Executes a mutated index scan over the provided bounds. |
EOF | Executor | Link | EOF” represents no data is read and output. |
EQ_LOOKUP | Producer | Link | Represents a lookup from a foreign collection by equality match on foreign and local fields. |
FETCH | Executor | Link | This stage turns a Record Id into a BSONObj. |
GEO_NEAR_2D | Folder | Link | Outputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point. |
GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE | Folder | Link | It finds the documents that are near a given geographic location with the 2d spherical index. |
GROUP | Folder | Link | Group data. |
IDHACK | Producer | Link | A standalone stage implementing the fast path for key-value retrievals via the _id index. |
IXSCAN | Producer | Link | Stage scans over an index from startKey to endKey, returning results that pass the provided filter. |
LIMIT | Combinator | Link | Limit the number of returned rows. |
MOCK | Executor | Link | “MOCK” refers to a stage that is used for testing purposes, and is not part of the actual query execution plan. |
MULTI_ITERATOR | Producer | Link | “MULT_ITERATOR” refers to a stage that is used when multiple indexes are used to retrieve the documents in a query. |
MULTI_PLAN | Executor | Link | MULTI_PLAN” refers to a stage that is used when multiple query plans are generated and evaluated by the query optimizer. |
OR | Combinator | Link | This stage outputs the union of its children. It optionally deduplicates on RecordId. |
PROJECTION_COVERED | Projector | Link | An explicit projection which is supported by an index scan (eg, for a “covered” index query). |
PROJECTION_DEFAULT | Projector | Link | A “default” projection, where no explicit projection is requested. |
PROJECTION_SIMPLE | Projector | Link | An explicit projection which is supported by a collection access – usually preceded by a FETCH or COLLSCAN step. |
QUEUED_DATA | Producer | Link | “QUEUED_DATA” is a stage that is used to retrieve documents from a queue that were added to it by a preceding stage. |
RECORD_STORE_FAST_COUNT | Folder | Link | “RECORD_STORE_FAST_COUNT” is an operation in MongoDB query plans that counts the number of documents in a collection using a fast count operation. This operation uses a metadata field called “ns” in the collection to count the number of documents without scanning the actual documents. |
RETURN_KEY | Producer | Link | the RETURN_KEY stage indicates that the query is a covered query, and the results can be fetched directly from the index keys without actually retrieving the full documents from the collection. |
SAMPLE_FROM_TIMESERIES_BUCKET | Producer | Link | the SAMPLE_FROM_TIMESERIES_BUCKET stage is specific to the MongoDB Time Series collections and is used to retrieve a random sample of documents from the specified time-series bucket. |
SENTINEL | Executor | Link | a stage that acts as a placeholder for a query plan stage that has been pruned during optimization |
SHARDING_FILTER | Link | The “SHARDING_FILTER” stage in MongoDB query plans refers to the filtering of data based on the shard key. We mapped it into the property filter. | |
SKIP | Executor | Link | an operation that skips the specified number of documents from the beginning of the result set. It is commonly used with “LIMIT” to implement pagination in queries. |
SORT_DEFAULT | Combinator | Link | Sort data |
SORT_KEY_GENERATOR | Combinator | Link | an operator that generates keys for sorting a set of documents based on the values of the specified fields. |
SORT_MERGE | Combinator | Link | an operation that sorts the results of two or more sub-plans and then merges them together. |
SORT_SIMPLE | Combinator | Link | Sort data. |
SUBPLAN | Executor | Link | It plans each clause of the $or individually and then creates an overall query plan based on the winning plan from each clause. |
TEXT_MATCH | Producer | Link | A stage that returns every document in the child that satisfies the FTS text matcher built with the query parameter. |
TEXT_OR | Combinator | Link | A blocking stage that returns the set of WSMs with RecordIDs of all of the documents that contain the positive terms in the search query, as well as their scores. |
TRIAL | Executor | Link | TrialStage runs a specified ‘trial’ plan for a given number of iterations, tracking the number of times the plan advanced over that duration. If the ratio of advances to works falls below a given threshold, then the trial results are discarded and the backup plan is adopted. Otherwise, we consider the trial a success and return the cached results of the trial phase followed by any further results that the plan produces. |
UNKNOWN | Executor | Link | An operation for testing that always throws exceptions. |
UNPACK_TIMESERIES_BUCKET | Producer | Link | It unpacks data from time series buckets. |
UPDATE | Consumer | Link | Update data. |
VIRTUAL_SCAN | Producer | Link | A VirtualScanNode is similar to a collection or an index scan except that it doesn’t depend on an underlying storage implementation. It can be used to represent a virtual collection or an index scan in memory by using a backing vector of BSONArray. |