The operations are listed and explained in official documents, so we examined its documents and their explanations to the Description column.
Operation | Category | Reference | Description |
AllNodesScan | Producer | Link | Reads all nodes from the node store. |
Anti | Folder | Link | Tests for the absence of a pattern. |
AntiSemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate. |
Apply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Yields rows from both the left-hand and right-hand side operators. |
Argument | Executor | Link | Indicates the variable to be used as an argument to the right-hand side of an Apply operator. |
AssertingMultiNodeIndexSeek | Combinator | Link | Used to ensure that no property uniqueness constraints are violated. |
AssertSameNode | Combinator | Link | Used to ensure that no property uniqueness constraints are violated. |
CacheProperties | Executor | Link | Reads node or relationship properties and caches them. |
CartesianProduct | Join | Link | Produces a cartesian product of the inputs from the left-hand and right-hand operators. |
Create | Consumer | Link | Creates nodes and relationships. |
CreateConstraint | Consumer | Link | Creates a constraint for either nodes or relationships. |
CreateIndex | Consumer | Link | Creates an index for either nodes or relationships. |
Delete | Consumer | Link | Deletes a node or relationship. |
DetachDelete | Consumer | Link | Deletes a node and its relationships. |
DirectedAllRelationshipsScan | Join | Link | Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes in the database. |
DirectedRelationshipByIdSeek | Join | Link | Reads one or more relationships by id from the relationship store. |
DirectedRelationshipIndexContainsScan | Join | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries containing a specific string; for example, in queries including CONTAINS. |
DirectedRelationshipIndexEndsWithScan | Join | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries ending in a specific string; for example, in queries containing ENDS WITH. |
DirectedRelationshipIndexScan | Join | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, returning all relationships and their start and end nodes with a particular relationship type and a specified property. |
DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek | Join | Link | Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek. |
DirectedRelationshipIndexSeekByRange | Join | Link | Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek where the value of the property matches a given prefix string. |
DirectedRelationshipTypeScan | Join | Link | Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with a specific type from the relationship type index. |
DirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan | Join | Link | Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with at least one of the provided types from the relationship type index. |
Distinct | Combinator | Link | Drops duplicate rows from the incoming stream of rows. |
DoNothingIfExists(CONSTRAINT) | Folder | Link | Checks if a constraint already exists, if it does then it stops the execution, if not it continues. |
DoNothingIfExists(INDEX) | Folder | Link | Checks if an index already exists, if it does then it stops the execution, if not it continues. |
DropConstraint | Consumer | Link | Drops a constraint using its name. |
DropIndex | Consumer | Link | Drops an index using its name. |
Eager | Executor | Link | For isolation purposes, Eager ensures that operations affecting subsequent operations are executed fully for the whole dataset before continuing execution. |
EagerAggregation | Executor | Link | Evaluates a grouping expression. |
EmptyResult | Executor | Link | Eagerly loads all incoming data and discards it. |
EmptyRow | Producer | Link | Returns a single row with no columns. |
ExhaustiveLimit | Combinator | Link | The ExhaustiveLimit operator is similar to the Limit operator but always exhausts the input. Used when combining LIMIT and updates. |
Expand(All) | Join | Link | Traverses incoming or outgoing relationships from a given node. |
Expand(Into) | Join | Link | Finds all relationships between two nodes. |
Filter | Link | It is mapped into the property filter. | |
Foreach | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Yields rows from the left-hand operator and discards rows from the right-hand operator. |
IntersectionNodeByLabelsScan | Producer | Link | Fetches all nodes that have all of the provided labels from the node label index. |
LetAntiSemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate in queries containing multiple pattern predicates. |
LetSelectOrAntiSemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate that is combined with other predicates. |
LetSelectOrSemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate that is combined with other predicates. |
LetSemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate in queries containing multiple pattern predicates. |
Limit | Combinator | Link | Returns the first n rows from the incoming input. |
LoadCSV | Producer | Link | Loads data from a CSV source into the query. |
LockingMerge | Join | Link | Similar to the Merge operator but will lock the start and end node when creating a relationship if necessary. |
Merge | Consumer | Link | The Merge operator will either read or create nodes and/or relationships. |
MultiNodeIndexSeek | Producer | Link | Finds nodes using multiple index seeks. |
NodeByIdSeek | Producer | Link | Reads one or more nodes by ID from the node store. |
NodeByLabelScan | Producer | Link | Fetches all nodes with a specific label from the node label index. |
NodeCountFromCountStore | Producer | Link | Uses the count store to answer questions about node counts. |
NodeHashJoin | Join | Link | Executes a hash join on node ID. |
NodeIndexContainsScan | Producer | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries containing a specific string. |
NodeIndexEndsWithScan | Producer | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries ending in a specific string. |
NodeIndexScan | Producer | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, returning all nodes with a particular label with a specified property. |
NodeIndexSeek | Producer | Link | Finds nodes using an index seek. |
NodeIndexSeekByRange | Producer | Link | Finds nodes using an index seek where the value of the property matches the given prefix string. |
NodeLeftOuterHashJoin | Join | Link | Executes a left outer hash join. |
NodeRightOuterHashJoin | Join | Link | Executes a right outer hash join. |
NodeUniqueIndexSeek | Producer | Link | Finds nodes using an index seek within a unique index. |
NodeUniqueIndexSeekByRange | Producer | Link | Finds nodes using an index seek within a unique index where the value of the property matches the given prefix string. |
Optional | Producer | Link | Yields a single row with all columns set to null if no data is returned by its source. |
OptionalExpand(All) | Join | Link | Traverses relationships from a given node, producing a single row with the relationship and end node set to null if the predicates are not fulfilled. |
OptionalExpand(Into) | Join | Link | Traverses all relationships between two nodes, producing a single row with the relationship and end node set to null if no matching relationships are found (the start node is the node with the smallest degree). |
OrderedAggregation | Folder | Link | Like EagerAggregation but relies on the ordering of incoming rows. Is not eager. |
OrderedDistinct | Combinator | Link | Like Distinct but relies on the ordering of incoming rows. |
PartialSort | Combinator | Link | Sorts a row by multiple columns if there is already an ordering. |
PartialTop | Combinator | Link | Returns the first n rows sorted by multiple columns if there is already an ordering. |
ProcedureCall | Projector | Link | Calls a procedure. |
ProduceResults | Executor | Link | Prepares the result so that it is consumable by the user. |
ProjectEndpoints | Projector | Link | Projects the start and end nodes of a relationship. |
Projection | Projector | Link | Evaluates a set of expressions, producing a row with the results thereof. |
RelationshipCountFromCountStore | Producer | Link | Uses the count store to answer questions about relationship counts. |
RemoveLabels | Consumer | Link | Deletes labels from a node. |
RollUpApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Executes a pattern expression or pattern comprehension. |
SelectOrAntiSemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate if an expression predicate evaluates to false. |
SelectOrSemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate if an expression predicate evaluates to false. |
SemiApply | Join | Link | Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate. |
SetLabels | Consumer | Link | Sets labels on a node. |
SetNodePropertiesFromMap | Consumer | Link | Sets properties from a map on a node. |
SetProperty | Consumer | Link | Sets a property on a node or relationship. |
SetRelationshipPropertiesFromMap | Consumer | Link | Sets properties from a map on a relationship. |
ShortestPath | Folder | Link | Finds one or all shortest paths between two previously matched node variables. |
ShowConstraints | Executor | Link | Lists the available constraints. |
ShowFunctions | Executor | Link | Lists the available functions. |
ShowIndexes | Executor | Link | Lists the available indexes. |
ShowProcedures | Executor | Link | Lists the available procedures. |
ShowSettings | Executor | Link | Lists the available configuration settings. |
ShowTransactions | Executor | Link | Lists the available transactions on the current server. |
Skip | Executor | Link | Skips n rows from the incoming rows. |
Sort | Combinator | Link | Sorts rows by a provided key. |
TerminateTransactions | Executor | Link | Terminate transactions with the given IDs. |
Top | Combinator | Link | Returns the first ‘n’ rows sorted by a provided key. |
TriadicBuild | Executor | Link | The TriadicBuild operator is used in conjunction with TriadicFilter to solve triangular queries. |
TriadicFilter | Executor | Link | The TriadicFilter operator is used in conjunction with TriadicBuild to solve triangular queries. |
TriadicSelection | Executor | Link | Solves triangular queries, such as the very common ‘find my friend-of-friends that are not already my friend’. |
UndirectedAllRelationshipsScan | Join | Link | Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes in the database. |
UndirectedRelationshipByIdSeek | Join | Link | Reads one or more relationships by ID from the relationship store. |
UndirectedRelationshipIndexContainsScan | Join | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries containing a specific string; for example, in queries including CONTAINS. |
UndirectedRelationshipIndexEndsWithScan | Join | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries ending in a specific string; for example, in queries containing ENDS WITH. |
UndirectedRelationshipIndexScan | Join | Link | Examines all values stored in an index, returning all relationships and their start and end nodes with a particular relationship type and a specified property. |
UndirectedRelationshipIndexSeek | Join | Link | Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek. |
UndirectedRelationshipIndexSeekByRange | Join | Link | Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek where the value of the property matches a given prefix string. |
UndirectedRelationshipTypeScan | Join | Link | Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with a specific type from the relationship type index. |
UndirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan | Join | Link | Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with at least one of the provided types from the relationship type index. |
Union | Combinator | Link | Concatenates the results from the right-hand operator with the results from the left-hand operator. |
UnionNodeByLabelsScan | Producer | Link | Fetches all nodes that have at least one of the provided labels from the node label index. |
Unwind | Folder | Link | Returns one row per item in a list. |
ValueHashJoin | Join | Link | Executes a hash join on arbitrary values. |
VarLengthExpand(All) | Join | Link | Traverses variable-length relationships from a given node. |
VarLengthExpand(Into) | Join | Link | Finds all variable-length relationships between two nodes. |
VarLengthExpand(Pruning) | Join | Link | Traverses variable-length relationships from a given node and only returns unique end nodes. |
VarLengthExpand(Pruning,BFS) | Join | Link | Traverses variable-length relationships from a given node and only returns unique end nodes. |