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Properties are defined as the first parameter of the function call append*() (e.g., appendNumber() and appendBool()) in the file plan_explainer_impl.cpp. Some descriptions are copied from MongoDB Documents.

Property Category Reference Description
advanced Status Link An “advanced” query plan refers to a query plan that requires additional processing or resources beyond what is typical for a simple query.
alreadyHasObj Configuration Link Unknown property that has not been observed in practice.
chunkSkips Status Link Estimated number of chunks skipped.
collation Configuration Link “collation” refers to a set of rules that determine how string values are compared and sorted. Collation can affect the results of queries and can be used to perform case-insensitive or accent-insensitive searches and sorting.
direction Status Link Estimated direction of scanning.
docsExamined Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents read.
docsRejected Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents dropped.
dupsDropped Cardinality Link “dupsDropped” refers to the number of duplicate documents that were removed during the execution of a query or aggregation pipeline.
dupsTested Status Link Unknown property that has not been observed in practice.
executionTimeMillisEstimate Cost Link Estimated time to execute the associated operation.
failed Cardinality Link “failed” refers to the number of documents that could not be processed during the execution of a query or aggregation pipeline.
filter Configuration Link Filter out data by predicates.
indexBounds Configuration Link Permissible values for all fields in the index.
indexName Configuration Link The name of the index.
indexPrefix Configuration Link The fields that go in the index first.
indexVersion Configuration Link The index version.
isEOF Status Link Specifies whether the execution stage has reached the end of the stream
isMultiKey Configuration Link Whether it uses multiple keys.
isPartial Configuration Link Whether it is a partial index.
isSparse Configuration Link Whether the index is sparse.
isUnique Configuration Link Whether the index enforces a uniqueness constraint
keyPattern Configuration Link The key pattern.
keysExamined Status Link “keyExamined” refers to the number of index keys that were examined during the execution of a query.
limitAmount Cardinality Link Estimated number of limited returned rows.
memLimit Cost Link The maximum available memory.
memUsage Cost Link Estimated memory usage.
nBucketsDiscarded Cardinality Link Estimated number of buckets dropped.
nBucketsUnpacked Cardinality Link Estimated number of buckets unpacked.
nCounted Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents.
needTime Cost Link Estimated time needed.
needYield Configuration Link “needYield” refers to whether the query execution engine needs to temporarily release its control of the server resources to allow other operations to run.
nMatched Cardinality Link “nMatched” refers to the number of documents that matched the query criteria and were modified or deleted in an update or delete operation.
nReturned Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents returned.
nSkipped Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents skipped.
nWouldDelete Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents dropped.
nWouldModify Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents modified.
nWouldUpsert Cardinality Link Estimated number of documents inserted.
parsedTextQuery Status Link The query.
restoreState Status Link Estimated number of times that the query stage restored a saved execution state, for example after recovering locks that it had previously yielded.
saveState Status Link Estimated number of times that the query stage suspended processing and saved its current execution state, for example in preparation for yielding its locks.
seeks Status Link Estimated number of times that we had to seek the index cursor to a new position to complete the index scan.
skipAmount Cardinality Link “skipAmount” refers to the estimated number of documents that were skipped in a query or aggregation pipeline.
sortPattern Configuration Link “sortPattern” refers to the order in which the documents in the result set are sorted.
spills Status Link “spills” refers to the estimated number of times that the query or aggregation pipeline had to write data to disk due to memory constraints.
textIndexVersion Configuration Link The version of the text index.
totalDataSizeSorted Cardinality Link Estimated size of data to sort.
transformBy Configuration Link Original data for a projection operation.
type Configuration Link The sort type.
usedDisk Cost Link Estimated disk usage.
warning Configuration Link Warning information.
works Status Link “works” refers to the total number of operations that were performed during the query execution.
